Senin, 04 April 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 4/04/11

I seem to be putting more and more chicken dishes on my menu lately.  Prices at the grocery store are increasing on everything, and I can't bring myself to pay $4.89 a pound for hamburger, let alone the price for the expensive cuts.

Monday: Baked Chicken, long rain & wild rice, grilled asparagus

Tuesday: Honey Mustard Chicken Wraps, fries, fresh fruit

Wednesday: General Tso's Chicken, steamed rice, broccoli

Thursday: Chicken Fajitas, refried beans

Friday: Pasta con Broccoli, green salad, garlic bread

Saturday: Dinner out

Sunday: Italian Sausage & Pepper Medley, coleslaw, fresh fruit

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at

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