If you have checked prices at Shop 'n Save, please leave a comment.
Quick links to other Shop 'n Save post:
This week's Shop 'n Save Deals
Previous Price Checks. (prices might or might not be the same)
Monthly Catalina Deals
P&G Catalina Deal
Gift Card Catalina Deal
Ivory Bar Soap (3 pack) - $1.23
$1 - 5/01/11 P&G
= $0.23 after coupon
Thursday price: FREE after coupon
Claussen Pickles - $3
$2 printable coupon no longer available ** coupon is more than 50% of sale price
= $1 after coupon
Thursday price: $0.40 after coupon
9 Lives Cat Food (4 pack) - $1
$1 off 3 - 5/15/11 SS
= $0.67 each after coupon
Thursday price: $0.47 each after coupon
North Star Fudge Bars - $1.38
.50 off North Star Novelties printable coupon
= $0.88 after coupon
Thursday price: $0.60 after coupon
Powerade Zero - $1
$1 off 5 Powerade Zero printable coupon
= $0.80 each after coupon
Thursday price: $0.60 after coupon
Crystal Light - $2.50
$1 - 6/12/11 SS
= $1.50 after coupon
Thursday price: $1 after coupon
Schick Hydro 3 Razor - $6.77
$4 - 6/12/11 SS
= $2.77 after coupon
Thursday price: $1.42 after coupon
Eckrich Smoked Sausage - $2.50
$1 off 2 - 5/15/11 SS
= $2 each after coupon
Thursday price: $1.50 each after coupon
Aussie - $3.78
$1 - 6/12/11 RP
= $2.78 after coupon
Thursday price: $2.10 after coupon
Herbal Essences - $3.97
$1 - 6/12/11 RP
= $2.97 after coupon
Thursday price: $2.18 after coupon
Always Infinity (16 ct) - $4.47
$1 - 6/05/11 P&G
= $3.47 after coupon
Thursday price: $2.58 after coupon
Pamper "Dry Max" Jumbo Packs - $6.35 clearance price
$1.50 - 6/05/11 P&G
= $4.85 after coupon
Thursday price: $3.58 after coupon
Thanks, Shannon, Eve, Maureen and anyone else I might have missed.
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