Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Free Kindle eBook - Not Your Mamma's Guide to Save Money and Live Resourcefully

Free Kindle eBook - April 6, 2012

Not Your Momma's Guide to Save Money and Live Resourcefully

Book Description: 

What you won't find in this book is a list of things including: mend your socks, wear sweaters indoors during winter, and how to use coupons at the grocery store.  Such topics have been covered widely and deeply by others already.

This guide will provide you with savvy on how to maximize savings and discover resources in categories including entertainment, retail and grocery shopping with minimal expenditure of time and energy.

Digital List  Price $0.99
Current Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save:  $0.99 (100%)

You don't need to own a Kindle to download eBooks.  Read eBooks on your computer, smart phone or mobile devices with Amazon's FREE Kindle Reading Apps.

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