Selasa, 05 April 2011

St Louis Extreme Couponing

photo from

Guest post by Rebecca at Coupon Phenomenon

Don’t you just love the rush you get when you finally roll your cart up to the register and see that total start soaring only to plummet all the way back down. I know I do. I love that rush that comes from couponing. That’s why when I was asked to appear on TLC’s Extreme Couponing, I jumped at the chance. For the past several years I have been couponing and saving more money than I ever thought I could. I have been able to buy a house, go on vacations and keep a nice lifestyle, all with the use of coupons.

Hi, I’m St Louis’ Extreme Couponer, Rebecca. I am your typical 25 year-old, I like to go out, play sports, work a full-time job, and I coupon! I decided to be on TLC’s extreme couponing because I wanted to show how coupons could change someone’s life and how it has changed mine for the better. I wanted to be able to show that it was possible to coupon on a small budget with limited time. I hope that with this show I was able to accomplish all of that. And I hope that when you watch it you will see that as well.

After seeing how people in other cities were able save with double coupons, it was a bit inspiring. St Louis grocery stores double coupons but not as much as the stores featured on Extreme Couponing. But what wasn’t featured was Shop n Save’s wonderful “no coupon Thursday.” I love the Thursdays when Shop N Save is offering $10 of $50, it just makes my week! That $10 off $50 gives me more wiggle room in my budget which I am able to get fresh produce and meat, milk and eggs! Double coupons can’t give you that!

I hope you all will Tune in this Wednesday, April 6th at 8/8:30 pm at check-out TLC’s new series Extreme Couponing. My trip to Shop N Save where I was able to get $542 of groceries down to $25, including beer, will be featured on the 8:30 pm episode. You will also be able to hear more about the show and a few of my couponing tips the next morning on FOX’s morning news broadcast.

After watching the show head on over to Coupon Phenomenon Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter @CouponPhenom.

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