Kamis, 07 April 2011

Welcome TLC's Extreme Couponing Viewers

Love or hate TLC's Extreme Couponing; it is creating a huge interest in couponing.  If the price of gas and the steepest rise in grocery prices in 37 years wasn't already making individuals think about how they could save some money.

At first glace the show looks way over the top, after all is reality TV.  But, I think there is a lot to learn from the show that the non-couponer might have missed.

Menu Plan - It doesn't matter how much money you save, if you don't have the ingredients to put a meal together at home.

Budget - New deals pop up daily.  You can spend twice as munch money as you ever did before, drive yourself, and your family crazy if you don't know when enough is enough.

Know Coupon Policies -  The show did address this issue, but I can't stress enough - know the store coupon policies before you shop.  I'm sure the couponers in the show did, but reality TV needs a little drama. 

Personal & Household Products - These are the easiest products to stockpile.   It's hard to believe at first, but  Walgreens and CVS is where couponers pick most of these items up for FREE

Order Large Quantities in Advance - If you'll remember the woman buying yogurt - she had boxes of yogurt at checkout.  She didn't get boxes  off the self. She must have contacted the store manager several days in advance and placed a special order. Shelf clearers are not looked upon favorably by store managers or other shoppers.

It Takes a Village - Couponers don't find and figure out all these deals themselves.  There are a ton of resources online.  If you're in the St Louis area, follow Coupon STL by email newsletter, Facebook or Twitter @Coupon STL 

You're turn.  What are the best tips you can pass on after watching  Extreme  Couponing?

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