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:: Kellogg's Instant Savings ::
Save $5 Instantly at checkout when you buy any (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products.
Excludes Kellogg's Eggo Frozen products and Kellogg's Protein Shakes & Bars. Valid 8/16/11 - 8/29/11.
Keebler Granola Fudge Bars (6 ct) - $1.99
$0.75/1 Keebler Granola Fudge Bars printable coupon
$0.75/1 Keebler Granola Fudge Bars - 7/10/11 RP
$1/3 Keebler Products printable coupon
= $1.24 to $1.66 each after coupon
$0.74 to $1.16 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Kellogg's Fruit Snacks (10-12 ct) - $1.99
$1/2 Kellogg's Fruit Snacks - 8/7/11 RP
= $1.49 each after coupon
$0.99 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
+ Save $1.50 on store-brand Bread wyb (3) Kellogg's Fruit Snacks - coupon in Happy New Year Coupon Book
Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats (6-8 ct) - $1.99
$1/2 Rice Krispies Treats 8 ct + - 8/7/11 RP
= $1.49 each after coupon
$0.99 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Keebler Sandwich Crackers (8 ct) - $1.99
$1/2 Keebler Sandwich Crackers - 7/24/11 RP
$1/3 Keebler Products printable coupon
= $1.49 to $1.66 each after coupon
$0.99 to $1.16 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Kellogg's Pop-Tarts (8 ct) - $1.99
$1/3 Pop-Tarts - 7/24/11 RP
= $1.66 each after coupon
$1.16 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Kellogg's Cereal - $2.49
Apple Jacks, Smacks, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Krispies or Corn Pops
$1/2 Kellogg's Cereal - 8/7/11 RP
$1/3 Kellogg's Cereals printable coupon
$1/3 Select Kellogg's Cereals - 7/24/11 RP
= $1.99 to $2.16 each after coupon
$1.49 to $1.66 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
+ Save $1.50 on Fresh Fruit wyb (2) Kellogg's Froot Loops, Apple Jacks or Frosted Flakes - coupon in Happy New School Year Coupon Book
Keebler Cookies- $2.49
Animal Cookies, Chips Deluxe, Soft Batch, Vanilla Wafers or Vienna Fingers
$1/2 Keebler Cookies - 8/7/11 RP
$1/3 Keebler Products printable coupon
= $1.99 to $2.16 after coupon
$1.49 to $1.66 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
+ Save $2 on Milk wyb (2) Keebler Cookies - coupon in Happy New School Year Coupon Book
Kellogg's Cereal Bars (5-8 ct)- $2.49
Fiber Plus, Special K or Nutri-Grain
$1/2 Special K Bars Products printable coupon
$1/2 Nutri-Grain Bars - 8/7/11 RP
= $1.99 each after coupon
$1.49 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Cinnabon Snack Bars (6-8 ct) - 1.99
$1.49 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Keebler Graham Crackers or Sticks (11-16 oz) - $2.49
$1/2 Keebler Products printable coupon
= $2.16 each after coupon
$1.66 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Keebler Crackers - $2.49
Townhouse, Toasted or Wheatables
$1/3 Keebler Products printable coupon
= $2.16 each after coupon
$1.16 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
Keebler or Sunshine Snack Packs (12 -14 ct) -$3.99
$1/2 Keebler or Sunshine Multi-packs - 8/7/11 RP
= $3.49 each after coupon
$2.99 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) Kellogg's, Keebler or Sunshine Products
+ Save $1.50 on Fresh Fruit wyb (2) Keebler or Sunshine Multi-packs - coupon in Happy New School Year Coupon Book
:: General Mills Instant Savings ::
Save $5 Instantly plus, get $50 Bonus Box Tops when you buy any (10) participating Box Top for Education products.
Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits (12-17.3 oz) - $1.25
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands printable coupon HERE and HERE (doubled)
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands - 8/7/11 GM (doubled)
= $0.95 each after coupon
$0.49 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix - $2.00
$0.40/1 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix - 8/7/11 GM (doubled)
= $1.20 after coupon
$0.70 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
General Mills Cereal Bars - $2.00
$0.60/1 Lucky Charm Treats, Golden Graham Treats, Chex Mix Treats or Milk 'n Cereal Bars printable coupon HERE
$0.50/1 Lucky Charm Treats, Golden Gram Treats, Chex Mix Treats or Milk 'n Cereal Bars printable coupon HERE
$0.50/1 General Mills Treats or Bars - 7/10/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
= $1.40 to $1.50 after coupon
$0.90 to $1.00 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Bugles, Cheerios, Chex or Gardettos Snack Mix - $2.00
$0.60/1 Gardettos Snack Mix printable coupon - no longer available
$0.50/1 Sweet & Salty Chex Mix - 7/10/11 SS
$0.50/1 Bugles - 7/10/11 SS
$0.50/2 Chex Mix - 8/7/11 GM
= $1.40 to $1.75 each after coupon
$0.90 to $1.25 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Progresso Soup - $1.67
Traditional, Rich & Hearty or World Recipe
$1/4 Progresso Soup - 8/7/11 GM
= $1.42 each after coupon
$0.92 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Premium Brownies or Bar Mix- $2.00
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Supreme Brownies or Dessert Bar Mix - 8/7/11 GM
= $1.63 each after coupon
$1.13 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Yoplait Kids, Trix, Splitz or Go-Gurt Yogurt - $2.00
$0.75/2 Yoplait Kids, Trix, Splitz or Go-Gurt printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.75.2 Yoplait Kids, Trix Splitz or Go-Gurt - 7/10/11 SS and 8/7/11 GM
= $1.63 each after coupon
$1.13 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Pillsbury Sweet Moments - $2.69
$1/1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments - 8/7/11 GM
= $1.69 after coupon
$1.19 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - $2.00
$0.60/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks printable coupon HERE
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - 8/7/11 GM
= $1.70 to $1.75 each after coupon
$1.20 to $1.25 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Fiber One Bars - $2.50
$0.40/1 Fiber One Chewy Bars or 90 Calorie - 7/17/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM (doubled)
= $1.70 after coupon
$1.20 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
General Mills Cereal (10.7 0 14 oz) - $2.50
$0.50/1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch printable coupon
$1/2 Cheerios printable coupon
$1/2 Cheerios - 7/17/11 SS
$1/2 Select General Mills Cereal - 7/10/11 SS
$1/3 - Big G Cereal printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/3 Select General Mills Cereal - 7/31/11 GM
= $2.00 to $2.17 each after coupon
$1.50 to $1.67 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Pillsbury Cookies - $2.69
$0.50/1 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough - 8/7/11 GM
= $2.19 to $2.36 each after coupon
$1.69 to $1.86 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Pillsbury Toaster Strudels - $2.68
$1/3 Toaster Strudels - 8/7/11 GM
$0.50/2 Toaster Strudels printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $2.35 to $2.43 each after coupon
$1.85 to $1.93 each after coupon and Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Funda-middles - $2.50
$2.00 each after Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
Green Giant Large Bar or Just For One Vegetables - $2.79
$2.29 each after Instant Savings wyb (10) participating products
:: Coupon Match-Ups ::
Soy Joy Nutritional Bar - $0.69
B2G1 Soy Joy Bars printable coupon
= $0.46 each after coupon
Aunt Jemima Waffles (10 ct) -$1.50
$1/1 Aunt Jemima Waffles printable coupon (Facebook) ** over 50% of sale price
= $0.50 after coupon
Orbit Gum (14 ct) - $1.00
$0.50/2 Orbit Gum - 7/31/11 SS
= $0.75 each after coupon
Duncan Hines Cake Mix or Family Style Brownies Mix - $1.25
B2G1 Duncan Hines Cake Mix - 6/5/11 SS
= $0.83 each after coupon
Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals or 100% Juice (64 oz) - $1.99
$1/1 Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals Reduced Calorie Juice Drink Printable coupon
$0.50/1 Old Orchard Juice 64 oz printable coupon
= $0.99 to $1.49 after coupon
7 Up, Dr Pepper, or Sunkist Orange (2 liters) - 4/$6.00
$2 Instant Savings at Checkout when you buy (4)
= $1.00 each after Instant Savings
Dole Fruit (24.5 oz. jar) - $2.29
$0.75/1 Dole All Natural Fruit printable coupon (if included in sale)
= $1.54 after coupon
Fresh Express Salad Blends (6-12 oz) - $2.50
B2G1 Fresh Express Salad Blends - coupon in Breath of Fresh Recipes coupon book
= $1.67 each after coupon
Dole Fruit (4 pack cups) - $2.29
$0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowls in 100% Juice printable coupon (if included in sale)
= $1.79 after coupon
Milo's Kitchen Dog Treats (2.7 - 3.3 oz) - $2.79
$1/1 Milo's Dog Treats - 8/14/11 RP
= $1.79 after coupon
North Star Cones or Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches (6-16 ct) - $2.79
$0.50/1 North Star Ice Cream Treat printable coupon
= $2.29 after coupon
Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice (59 oz) - $3.29
$1/1 Tropicana - 7/10/11 RP
= $2.29 after coupon
Prairie Farms Old Recipe or Homestyle Churn Ice Cream - $3.33
$0.50/1 Homestyle Churn printable coupon
$0.50/1 Old Recipe printable coupon
$0.50/1 Old Recipe or Homestyle Churn - 6/19/11 RP
= $2.83 after coupon
:: Whole Life Natural & Organic ::
Barbara's Puffins Cereal (10-11 oz) - $3.49
$1/1 Barbara's Cereal printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $2.49 after coupon
Cascadian Farms Cereal (9-17 oz) -$3.49
$1/1 Cascadian Farms printable coupon (sign up)
= $2.49 after coupon
:: Other Good Deals ::
Homegrown Sweet Corn - $0.39 ear
Homegrown Purple Eggplant - $0.99 lb.
Perdue Oven Stuffer Roasting Chicken - $0.99 lb.
Center Cut Pork Steaks (jumbo pack) - $1.89 lb.
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