Shop 'n Save Ad Deals and Coupon Match-Ups
The Crestwood, Fenton,Twin Oaks, Shreswbury and Lemay Ferry locations will match Sappington Farmers' Market money off your purchase coupons. Print Sappington Famers' Market coupons HERE
Take a look at this week's ads HERE. My match-ups are from the Weekly and In-store Special ad.
Shop 'n Save accepts internet printable coupons up to 50% of the product retail price. (** I've noted coupons that are over 50% of the sale price in the match-ups.) Take a look at Shop 'n Save Internet Printable Coupon Acceptance Policy.
:: General Mills Instant Savings ::
Save $5 Instantly and get 50 Bonus Box Tops when you purchase any (10) participating General Mills products
Betty Crocker Helpers - $1.25
$0.75/3 Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna Helper - 7/17/11 SS and 8/14/11 SS
$0.80/4 Betty Crocker Helpers printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/5 Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna Helper - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.00 to $1.05 each after coupon
$0.50 to $0.55 after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
+ Catalina Deal: buy (10) Hamburger Helper get a $2 coupon good on your next order.
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes - $1.00
$0.50 after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Totino's Party Pizza - $1.25
$1/4 Totino's Party Pizza printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/5 Totino's Party Pizza - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.00 to $1.05 after coupon
$0.50 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Totino's Pizza Rolls (15 ct) -$1.25
$0.40/2 Totino's Pizza Snacks printable coupon HERE
$0.40/2 Totino's Pizza Snacks - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.05 each after coupon
$0.55 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Old El Paso Taco Shells (4.05 to 11 oz) - $1.25
$0.75 each after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Yoplait Kids Yogurt (4 ct) - $1.50
$0.75/2 Yoplait Kids, Splitz, Trix or Go-Gurt Yogurt printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.75/2 Yoplait Kids, Splitz, Trix or Go-Gurt Yogurt -7/10/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
$1.13 each after coupon
$0.63 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Progresso Traditional, Light or High Fiber Soup - $1.50
$1/4 Progresso Soup - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.25 each after coupon
$0.75 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Gardettos Snack Mix (6 to 8.6 oz) - $2.00
$0.60/1 Gardettos 8 oz. + printable coupon HERE
= $1.40 after coupon
$0.90 after after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Old El Paso Taco Shells (18 ct) - $1.67
$1.17 each after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Pillsbury Sweet Moments - $2.50
$1/1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.50 after coupon
$1.00 after after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Chex Mix or 100 Calorie Chex Mix- $2.00
$0.50/1 Sweet & Salty Chex Mix - 7/10/11 SS
$0.50/2 Chex Mix or 100 Calorie - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.50 to $1.75 each after coupon
$1.00 to $1.25 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Bugles - $2.00
$0.50/1 Bugles - 7/10/11 SS
= $1.50 after coupon
$1.00 after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Yoplait Trix, Go-Gurt, or Splitz Yogurt - $2.00
$0.75/2 Yoplait Kids, Splitz, Trix or Go-Gurt Yogurt printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.75/2 Yopliat Kids, Splitz, Trix or Go-Gurt Yogurt -7/10/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
= $1.63 each after coupon
$1.13 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie Mix - $2.00
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Supreme Brownie Mix - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.63 each after coupon
$1.13 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - $2.00
$0.60/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks printable coupon HERE
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - 8/07/11 GM
= $1.70 to $1.75 each after coupon
$1.20 to $1.25 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Nature Valley Granola Thins - $2.50
$0.75/1 Nature Valley Granola Thins - 6/26/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
$0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Thins printable coupon HERE
$0.50/1 Nature Valley Granola Thins printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $1.75 to $2.00 each after coupon
$1.25 to $1.50 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
General Mills Milk 'n Cereal Bars - $2.50
$0.60/1 Lucky Charm Treats, Golden Graham Treats, Chex Mix Treats or Milk 'n Cereal Bars printable coupon HERE
$0.50/1 Lucky Charm Treats, Golden Gram Treats, Chex Mix Treats or Milk 'n Cereal Bars printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.50/1 General Mills Treats or Bars - 7/10/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
= $1.90 to $2.00 after coupon
$1.40 to $1.50 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
General Mills Cereal - $2.50
14 oz. Trix or 10.7 oz. Cheerios
$1/2 Cheerios Printable coupon HERE
$1/2 Cheerios - 7/17/11 SS
$1/2 Cheerios, or Trix - 7/10/11 SS
$1/3 Select Big G Cereals HERE and HERE
$1/3 Cheerios or Trix - 7/31/11 GM
= $2.00 to $2.17 each after coupon
$1.50 to $1.67 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookie Dough - $2.50
$0.50/1 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough printable coupon HERE and HERE
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough - 8/07/11 GM
= $2.00 to $2.17 each after coupon
$1.50 to $1.67 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - $2.37
$1/3 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - 8/07/11 GM
$0.50/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel printable coupon HERE and HERE
= $2.04 to $2.12 each after coupon
$1.54 to $1.62 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Nature Valley Granola Bars - $2.50
$0.75/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars printable coupon HERE
$0.75/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars printable coupon HERE and HERE
$0.75/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars - 7/17/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
= $2.08 to $2.13 each after coupon
$1.58 to $1.63 each after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Fiber One Bars - $2.50
$0.40/1 Fiber One Chewy Bars or 90 Calorie - 7/17/11 SS and 8/07/11 GM
= $2.10 after coupon
$1.60 after coupon and Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Old El Paso Dinner Kits - $2.50
$2.00 each after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Betty Crocker Fundamiddles - $2.50
$2.00 after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Green Giant Just for One Broccoli & Cheese - $3.00
$2.50 after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
Green Giant Big Sauce Bags (19 to 24 oz) - $3.00
$2.50 after Instant Savings when you buy (10) participating products
:: ConAgra Catalina Deal ::
Save $10 on your next shopping trip when you buy $25 of participating products.
Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard (12 oz) - $1.00
$0.35/1 Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard printable coupon
= $0.65 after coupon
Hunt's Ketchup (24 oz) - $1.00
$0.25/1 Hunt's All Natural Ketchup printable coupon (use 76109 zip code - if included in sale)
= $0.75 after coupon
Hunt's Snack Pack (4 ct) - $1.00
.45/3 Snack Pack - 8/07/11 SS
= $0.85 each after coupon
Chef Boyardee Pasta - $1.00
15 oz. cans or 7.5 oz. cups
$0.35/3 Chef Boyardee - 8/07/11 SS
= $0.88 each after coupon
Pam Cooking Spray (5-6 oz) - $2.50
$0.35/1 Pam - 8/07/11 SS
= $2.15 after coupon
Rosarita Refried Beans (24 oz) - 1.00
Crunch 'n Munch (4 oz) - $1.00
David Sunflower Seeds (4.5-5.75 oz) - $1.00
Act II Microwave Popcorn (3 ct) -$1.00
Ro-Tel Diced Tomatoes - (10 oz) - $1.00
Hunt's Tomatoes (14.5 oz) -$1.00
Banquet Meals - $1.00
Healthy Choice Soup - $1.00
Hunt's BBQ Sauce (21.6 oz) - $1.25
Peter Pan Peanut Butter (16.3 oz) - $2.00
Kids Cuisine - $2.00
Healthy Choice Entrees, Naturals or Lunch Steamers - $2.00
Reddi Wip (Original or Extra, 7 oz) - $2.18
La Choy Chow Mien or Creations - $2.50
Marie Callender's Creations - $2.50
Maire Callender's Dinners, Fresh Flavor Steamers or Pot Pies - $2.50
Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers or Complete Meals - $2.50
Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers - $2.50
Orville Redenbacher Poppycock (8.5 oz) - $2.50
Banquet Homestyle Bakes - $3.00
Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn - $3.50
Wesson Oil (48 oz) - $3.50
Marie Callender's Pies -$6.88
:: P&G Catalina Deal ::
Save $5 on your next shopping trip when you buy $20 of participating Proctor & Gamble products
Crest Premium Toothpaste (4.2-6.2 oz) - $2.50
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste - 7/31/11 P&G
$0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste - 7/31/11 P&G
= $1.75 to $2.00 each after coupon
Herbal Essences or Aussie Shampoo or Conditioner (10.17-12 oz) - $3.27
$1/1 Herbal Essences or Aussie Product - 8/07/11 SS
= $2.27 after coupon
Duracell Alkaline Batteries (8 ct. AA or AAA) - $6.37
$0.75/1 Duracell Batteries - 7/31/11 P&G
= $5.62 after coupon
Always Feminine Products - $6.97
32 ct. Regular Infinity, 28 ct. Overnight, or 32 ct. Super
$1/1 Always Infinity - 7/31/11 P&G
$0.50/1 Always Pads - 7/31/11 P&G
= $5.97 to $6.47 after coupon
Tampax Pearl (selected varieties, 36-40 ct) - $6.97
$1/1 Tampax Pearl - 7/31/11 P&G
= $5.97 after coupon
Old Spice Endurance Deodorant - $2.47
Secret Invisible Solid Deodorant - $2.47
:: Coupon Match-Ups ::
Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters Candy Bars - $0.50
B1G1 Skinny Cow Singles - 7/31/11 RP
= $0.25 each after coupon
Farmland Deli Franks (16 oz) - $1.00
$0.55 /1 Farmland Product printable coupon (Facebook) ** more than 50% of sale price
= $0.45 after coupon
Ken's Salad Dressing (16 oz) - $1.50
$1/1 Ken's Salad Dressing - 8/14/11 SS
= $0.50 after coupon
Atheno's Greek Yogurt (5.3 oz. cup) - $1.00
$1/2 Atheno's Greek Yogurt printable coupon on Facebook - no longer available
= $0.50 each after coupon
Barilla Pasta (12 -16 oz) - $1.18
$0.55/1 Barilla Piccolini - 6/26/11 SS
= $0.63 after coupon
Edy's Slow Churned Ice Cream (5.8 oz. cup) - $1.00
$1/3 Edy's Fun Flavors, Slow Churned Cups ... - 6/12/11 SS
= $0.67 each after coupon
Old El Paso Refried Beans (16 oz) -$1.00
Farmland Bologna or Pickle Loaf (12 oz) - $1.38
$0.55/1 Farmland Product printable coupon (Facebook)
= $0.83 after coupon
Butterball Turkey Bacon (6 oz) - $1.50
$0.65/1 Butterball Turkey Products - 6/26/11 SS
= $0.85 after coupon
Prairie Farms Sour Cream or Dips (16 oz) - $1.50
$0.35/1 Prairie Farms Sour Cream printable coupon
$0.35/1 Prairie Farms Dip printable coupon
$0.35/1 Prairie Farms Dip - 6/19/11 RP
= $1.15 after coupon
Cheez-It Crackers (7.5 - 9 oz) -$1.67
$1/2 Cheez-It Crackers printable coupon
= $1.17 each after coupon
Nabisco Snack Saks (8 oz) - $1.67
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers - 8/07/11 SS
= $1.29 each after coupon
Dole Fruit Bowls (4 ct) - $2.00
$0.50/1 Dole Fruit Bowl in 100% Juice printable coupon (if included in sale)
$1.50/4 Dole Fruit Bowls printable coupon
= $1.50 to $1.63 each after coupon
Nabisco Snackwell's (3.7-7.75 oz, assorted varieties ) - $2.50
$1/1 Nabisco Snackwell's Cookies, Brownies or Popcorn printable coupon (if included in sale)
$1/2 Nabisco Snackwell's Bars printable coupon (if included in sale)
$0.75/1 Snackwell's Bars - 7/31/11 SS (if included in sale)
= $1.50 to $2.00 each after coupon
Skippy Peanut Butter (15-16.3 oz) - $2.28
$0.75/1 Skippy - 7/31/11 RP
= $1.53 after coupon
Farmland Cooked Breakfast Links or Patties (6.4-7.5 oz) - $2.18
$0.55/1 Farmland Product printable coupon (Facebook)
= $1.63 after coupon
Butterball Turkey Bacon (12 oz) - $2.50
$0.65/1 Butterball Turkey Product - 6/26/11 SS
= $1.85 after coupon
North Star or Health Wise Novelties - $2.50
12 ct. Health Wise Fudge or Juice Bars, Ice Cream or Frog Split Dream Bars, Pevely Brown Cow or 6 ct. Health Wise Giant Fudge Bars
$0.50/1 North Star Frozen Treat printable coupon
$0.50/1 Health Wise Frozen Treat printable coupon
$0.50/1 Health Wise Frozen Treat - 6/19/11 RP
= $2.00 after coupon
Buddig Deli Cuts (12 oz) - $3.00
$1/1 Buddig Deli Cuts printable coupon
= $2.00 after coupon
DiGiorno Pizza For One or Portion Control - $2.75
$1/2 DiGiorno 200 Calorie Portion - 7/31/11 RP
= $2.25 each after coupon
Lipton Tea Bags (100 ct) - $3.98
$0.40/1 Lipton Tea Bags - 7/31/11 RP
= $3.58 after coupon
Tyson Rotisserie Chicken (all varieties) -$5.98
$2/1 Tyson Rotisserie Chicken printable coupon
= $3.98 after coupon
Freschetta Pizza - $5.00
Brick Oven, Naturally Rising, or Simply Inspired
$1/1 Freschetta Pizza printable coupon
= $4.00 after coupon
Nabisco Munch Packs (12-22.8 oz) -$4.48
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers - 8/07/11 SS
= $4.11 each after coupon
:: Other Good Deals ::
Ground Chuck -
Gold Leaf Chicken Leg Quarters (10 lb. bag) - $5.40
Western Cantaloupe - $0.98 each
Farm Stand Celery - $0.98 stalk
Illinois Roma Tomatoes - $0.98 lb.
Hunt's Tomato Sauce (8 oz) -$0.40
Powerade (32 oz) - $0.67
Dr Pepper or 7 Up (2 liters) - $0.87
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