Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 1/11/10

Even though I'm not participating in the Eat from the Pantry Challenge , I dug through my freezer looking for meat that needed to be used. I found a few surprises, chicken and pork tenderloin that had been around for awhile, and put them on the menu.

I'm going to try to make Hollandaise sauce this week. In the past, I've always bought a Knorr mix, but when I looked up the recipe, I can't believe I paid for it. Hopefully, I'll end up with Hollandaise instead of scrambled eggs, but then again I do have a few eggs that need to be used.

Monday: Baked chicken, baked potatoes, broccoli with Hollandaise sauce, pineapple

Tuesday: Baked potato soup, green salad, pineapple

Wednesday: Grab what you can night. Everyone has places to be, so everyone is on their own - leftovers, grilled cheese, canned soup, eggs, cereal or whatever they can find, but hopefully not a drive-through window.

Thursday: Pasta con Broccoli, garlic bread, green salad

Friday: Blueberry pancakes, apple juice

Saturday: Out for dinner

Sunday: Pork tenderloin, long grain and wild rice, frozen veggie, fresh fruit

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com

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