Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Menu Plan Monday - Week of August 17th

My youngest son is starting high school this week and I haven't even thought about lunches yet. Last year he took leftovers quite often because he could heat them up in his home room teachers microwave. He has decided he will buy his lunch this year.

Monday: Pulled BBQ pork sandwiches, cole slaw, fresh peaches

Tuesday: Grilled hamburgers, corn on the cob, fresh peaches

Wednesday: Taco's, refried beans, chips

Thursday: Chicken Marsala with Linguine (Macaroni Grill Kit!), Caesar Salad, fruit

Friday: Kid's choice, my husband and I are manning a food booth at the Dome, a fundraiser for my son's high school.

Saturday: Bratwurst, grilled onions, fresh fruit

Sunday: Potluck picnic - I'll take Rice Krispies Treats

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com

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