Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Sunday's Super Jingle Cash Update

It sounds like Walgreens has changed Super Jingle Cash again.

It's now being reported Super Jingle Cash is earned before manufacturer coupons

Reader couponmama shopped at several area Walgreens last night and receive Super Jingle Cash based on her before manufacturer coupon total.

This morning, reader JB tells up that coupon forums are reporting Super Jingle Cash is working exactly like the rules say it should.  Super Jingle Cash is earned after all applicable discounts (Walgreens coupons) and before manufacture coupons.

If you any concern what will happen at your store, print a copy of the Jingle Cash Information from  Walgreens website and take it with you to the store.  At the bottom of the page, is where you will find the info of when/how Super Jingle Cash is earned.

Thanks, couponmama and JB!

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