Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 1/02/12

It has been a long time since I've posted my weekly menu plan.  It's not that I haven't had one, but I've been menu planning with what I already have in the pantry and freezer for so long - I don't always write it down.

I know lots of people are either getting back on track with couponing, or thinking about getting serious about saving money with coupons this time of year.  Menu planning is one the most important things you can do to save money.  I always plan with what I already have in the house.  That leaves me to spend my grocery budget on the best deals for the week.

Monday:  Chili
  • We will be watching Bowl games today.  I'll make some Chili in the Crockpot and everyone can eat when they want.
Tuesday: Turkey Tetrazzini
  • The recipe calls for chicken, but I always use leftover turkey in this recipe.  The recipe make a huge dish.  I could cut the recipe in half, but I like to have it for leftovers

Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday nights are usually busy for my family.  Leftovers make a great choice when I'm not quite sure when everyone will be home to eat.

Thursday:  Spicy Garlic Chicken, steamed rice, frozen veggie
  • My family really likes Wanchia Ferry Dinner Kits.  It is an easy way to make Chinese with out having to go out and buy lots of spices.

Friday:  Ham & cheese omelets, orange juice
  • I've have  a little bit of ham leftover from the holidays.  If I don't use the rest in omelets, I'll chop up what's left and freeze for omelets in the future.

Saturday:  Pork tenderloin, long grain & wild rice, frozen veggies, homemade applesauce
  • I buy several pork tenderloins and freeze them when Johnny's Market puts them on sale.  I used to pay $1.99 per pound, but the price recently has been closer to $2.50.   Not as good of price as they used to be, but still a great price for pork tenderloin.

Sunday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn,
  • I  always make meatloaf on a Sunday.  Maybe that's because I don't like to squish raw meat, and my husband is always home on Sunday afternoons to do that for me. 
What's for dinner at your house this week? 

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at

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